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PG Teamspeak Server



No Cheating


Current 2 users online.

PG is not an easy squad to get into but we are always looking for members that will fit in with our group. If you checked our roster before coming to this page, you'll have seen that we are mostly a bunch of older guys that just like playing the game and don't want to have to listen to the whining of a bunch of adolescent "Super Players" that can't take getting their clocks cleaned by a bunch of BOTS.

We have a minimum age requirement of 30, but that's not written in stone. We judge each applicant solely by how we feel that person would blend in with our group.

Each Squad Member is asked to have TeamSpeak installed and to use it. Like I said, we're a bunch of old guys and to us half the fun of the game is razzing each other. It's all in good, clean fun.

If PG is where you think you could belong, simply join our forum and make a post in the "The -PG- Squad"/"Joining -PG-" section letting us know you're interested in joining and why you want to join. You may not get an immediate response but we will be watching you as you play in the server.
The link to the forum is on the website.
