Creating Area Triggers

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Creating Area Triggers

Post by Bubbachuk-PG- »

This Tutorial is to show how to set up Area Triggers. To get started you first need to open your map editor, click on EDIT and then General Information. From the General Information window, select a terrain from the drop down list under the heading "Mission Terrain". Then Click OK.

Before getting started, it's important that you know how to position the terrain so you can always keep your work in the middle of the screen. By holding the "CTRL" key down an right-clicking your mouse while pointing in different areas of the window you can move the terrain around. This is very important when you are zooming the window in and out because objects inserted onto the terrain will will not always stay centered.

Use the (+) key on your NUMERIC KEYPAD to zoom the screen in and the (-) key to zoom it out.

O.K. Let's get started . . .

Position the mouse pointer someplace on the terrain, Right-Click your mouse and select the "Insert Mode". This can also be done by pressing the "Insert" key on your keyboard.

Next, LEFT-CLICK your mouse and the "Insert Item" window pops up. In that window in the "Type Filter" section select "Markers". A list of Markers shows in the bottom window. In that window select "Area Trigger". Click OK. Move your mouse pointer about one inch down and one inch to the left of the area trigger that is already on the terrain. Left-Click your mouse again. The same window will pop up again with "Markers" and "Area Trigger" still selected. Just click OK and another Area Trigger is placed on the screen.

NOTE It takes only 2 area trigger objects to create and area trigger. The image below is what you should be seeing. Yours will be BLUE. They are yellow in the illustration so they can be seen better. (Ignore the blue object to the left)

Now that the area triggers are on the terrain, we now have to make them functional. To do this they have to be named. To do this, click on EDIT and then select "Area Trigger." The window shown below will pop up. There will not be any text in yours so you will have to add it. Selection #1 on the left is going to be highlighted in BLUE. On the right side you'll see the word "Description: and a box to the right of that. Type the words "Start Game" in that box. As you type you'll see that the area in Selection #1 is filling in with what you're typing. Click OK.

Now we have to get your mouse out of the "Insert Mode". Right-Click your mouse and select the "Insert Mode". This can also be done by pressing the "Insert" key on your keyboard. This takes it out of the Insert Mode and puts it in the "Selection Mode".

Left Click on both area trigger objects. They will turn yellow. NOTE: Any time an object is yellow, this indicates that the object has been selected.
On the bottom left side of the editor you'll see black text over a white background - see illustration below.
These are the "Item Attributes" of the area triggers you have selected. This is also where we name the Area Trigger.

Left-Click over the text. The Item Attributes pops up. This is where we are going to name the area trigger.

This is the Item Attributes window. Look at the section at the top-right named "Waypoints". Under that you'll see a box that has "None" in it. Click the down arrow to the right of the box and select 1 - Start of Game. Click OK

You'll see that now the area triggers on the terrain are connected by an orange line in the shape of a box. This is now an AREA TRIGGER.